Money Matt Just Wants to be Like His Scammer Mommy! (The Lefrandt Family Fraud)

Image result for diane lefrandt 3d pr group
Meet Matt’s mommy! None of the above can be found documented anywhere. Even on the darknet! No solutions.  It must be in Fort Knox for safe keeping! Nice ms paint skills.

Hi Diane 🙂

Let me just say it was so nice of you to bestow the gift of Matt on this Earth!  He really is one of the most amazing, blessed, God fearing, and ethical human beings on this Earth.  You’ll be happy to know that while you were circumventing the United States scamming American citizens with you BIG VISIBILITY! BIG PROFITS! Webinar/Seminar junk, your son was being caught on a hot mic showing what a real piece of shit you’ve raised!  Listen to son, Matthew, blessed Matthew Lefrandt, talking about ripping off people in his Patreon group just like mommy and discussing anal penetration of a respected woman in crypto-twitter (go to the four hour leak at the bottom of this report, and fast-forward to just before the 2-hour mark to locate said talk).

You must LOVE that since you market yourself as one of the most influential women in business!  Time to give Matt a spanking.  Right?  

I know these types of obvious misconduct and fraud can’t be saved with a cool banner on your twitter page , or fake company endorsements.  So Matt’s probably in a deep puddle of water to say the least.  I mean at LEAST, as far as the United States Criminal Justice system is concerned.  Don’t worry, we have more than enough evidence to sign your son up for a crash course in the dangers of anal penetration!  He is bound to come out of that experience with a new found respect that it just isn’t something you joke about.  Charlie on the other hand knows from his own life choices!

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So how about you… you’re in a little bit of shit, aren’t you?  I mean, as you can see above, you’ve made some very unhappy ‘customers’ or victims.  No matter what you classify them as in the Lefraudosphere – you surely could fix all this by running with the money and buying one of the most horse shit twitter banners I’ve ever seen! Did you run out of fraud money when you paid for this?  Having something like this on your twitter doesn’t make us take you seriously in your claims of being on all of these networks we couldn’t find you on.  Even on the darknet.  We sniffed everywhere.  When were you featured?  Oh that’s right.  You paid for ads.  Well in that case the Shamwow guy is a fucking legend and should be giving us BIG VISIBILITY! BIG PROFIT! BIG BULLSHIT! webinars too.

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How do I know you are LYING about your news media?  Thorough research, now I have found the efforts were completely unnecessary.  Everyone knows the “Huff Post” right?  Of course.  It’s that internet “newspaper” that has c-list journalists.  Anyway, search anything ‘Huffington Post’ and you get at least one hit on the first page of Google… Google “Diane Lefrandt Huffington Post” and you get NOTHING!!! See for yourself:

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You do, however; see a lot of Diane Lefrandt claiming Diane Lefrandt made the news on some networks. Bravo, Diane! Covered all your bases there.  But right on the front of her homepage, there it is again:

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I don’t really feel like sniffing through your dirty laundry anymore, because you are such a scumbag, it’s both alarming and draining on my hope for humankind.  I mean, what are you guys doing in church out there?  All the mormons I have met are nice, upstanding people.  You – not so much.  Is this just a you and Matt thing?  Cuz there’s a hell of a lot of siblings in your clan.  God help us.  Let’s read about your experience with a woman who wrote in about your BIGGGGGG VISIBILITY… big bullshit… you get it…. WEBINAR!   ….. on February 23, 2016:

Diane’s BVBP (big visibility big profits) $6,000 course is a complete joke, and the only profits it generates is for her pocket.  Her sales rep guaranteed 5 clients on the call, but the only thing you get when there are no clients is access to her useless course for another few weeks.

The method she is teaching is completely flaud, outdated and ineffective. The information is very disorganized, and most of it can be found on Facebook’s support pages for free. There is no support from Diane, even though she claims that it’s the reason she is charging so much for the course.  Most of the comments in her Facebook group are from other students who just got scammed out of $6,000 and have no idea about what works and what doesn’t. It’s blind leading blind. There is no feedback from her “experts” at all.

The only time I got any attention from Diane was when someone warned me about her scam. Her son quickly deleted those comments and she called me for damage control to convince me to stay in the class. I hope this report will warn others and will prevent them from making the same mistake.  Everyone of her students that I spoke to had the same regrets and felt they waisted their money.

She manages all the negative comments about her by fludding the internet with her press releases, etc., but don’t be fooled… All her student success stories are fake.

Marina  Mt. Lakes, NJ

Alright, I know you think that it’s acceptable for someone to just past something on a webpage, THUS making it true.  But unlike your butt ugly twitter banner, which I’m sure Matt probably designed since his is equally shit – WE HAVE TO PROVIDE A SOURCE FOR ETHICAL AND FACTUAL PROOF OF OCCURANCE.  So below, is a SOURCE (courtesy of RipoffReport):

Oh and here’s two more we found from within a 6 month period of the same year! Joy!

And here’s some from another scam report site, Pissed Consumer:

Some scam site only the scammiest of scammers must overflow onto:

There’s even a website for a company offering Diane flat out a chance to improve her Google rating:

And Diane… Guess whatI made the source links EXTRA BIG so you knew what a fucking source was.  Matt has the same problem.  He has NO SOURCE for ELYSIUM – THE ICO NETWORK he boasts in his PATREON.  He has NO SOURCE for the claimed 235 MILLION DOLLAR VALUATION OF THE CRYPTO COMBINE.  Oh and Diane, THE CRYPTO COMBINE ISN’T EVEN A LICENSED BUSINESS!

However, with Big Momma in the picture, it clears up Matty’s source of funds while indefinitely unemployed in the Chicagoland area.  Mom, have you been funneling your scam money?  Or was Matt doing some moonlighting for you on your end of the Lefraudosphere?  Was he the “son who quickly deleted” the customers complaints from the quoted, Ripoff Report entry above?  Glad to see you got family working in “the biz” and everythings working out okay.  Here’s the best part – you run a very very loose ship.  Looser than Matt’s.  It’s time for Momma to pull the plug on Matt’s CRYPTO COMBINE and make him disappear from OUR world.  We are a group of well wishers looking for decentralized currency to reign supreme and give the control of wealth entirely to the people.  You need to take your shitstain son home and tell him he fucked up his chance to establish his own scam.  He’s definitely going to do some time.  He may even make it on the network news – being your son can only help.  I see people have been wanting you for quite awhile.

Diane, shut up for a second. People like you are usually on the phone by now trying to save your ass. Here’s why you won’t be able to do so.  You are exposed, and the world knows.

Does everyone understand that the Lefrandt’s are a family of CRIMINAL SCALE FRAUD from at least the Mom-down now?


If you wanna view one of Diane’s bullshit BIG VISIBILITY, big bullshit PowerPoint slideshows, see it here before she takes it down:

(Remember that one show, “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?”)

Here is her Facebook page in case you wanna do your worst, crypto-twitter.  We are a tech savvy, tech loving, and tech-capable subculture of society.

Here’s her Twitter:

Here’s the linkedin for the shell company she funnels her dirty money through.  It does, seemingly nothing as a “company” (LLC).

Email Diane at her personal, unlisted, email address:

Your son and his plug are not taking this very seriously, Diane.  It’s too late to save him as we have so much smoking gun evidence you will hope you end up in the same county penitentiary as he does some day. Wouldn’t that be sweet? My mother and I used to have mother and son bowling night when I was young. Do state prisons have bowling? You’ll have to let us know when we reach out to see how its going.

Funny, I was just looking around the family to see if I could make Mommy aware of Matt’s illegal activities in Chicago.  He seems like the type to listen to Mommy at the ripe age of 29.  Turns out Mommy is a piece of shit as well.


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God Charlie, you are such a fucking loser…


Big report dropping soon, and big followups on this scam.  We are not nearly done.


Give back…

To victims of MoneyMatt’s Patreon scam – if you provide documentation (payment receipt, emails, etc.) – we plan on refunding you from our donations in FULL for your damages you’ve suffered.  This will happen with each and every scam we uncover.

Just email us at 

(we delivered the goods and put in the hours to pull it off – we aren’t done helping you out)


To Crypto Death Penalty, to help us fund our missions, operation expenses, safety, and privacy – to continue what we do, in helping you – and our community.  We are already working on our next case.  It’s a messy environment out there and we need the manpower to fight against it.

Bitcoin (BTC) address:  1F8pzdwdotAZDi4sRjRFZte5yrtXazWnEY

Ethereum (ETH) address:  0x1f1dc1bdd100996cd59cb078f59fe57e27a29fd3

Litecoin (LTC) address:  LQp5SDrV7Ec28cTNSEynPohzwQwFM1u1b8

Thank you for your support!


Crypto Death Penalty team

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